10 Beautiful Plants That You Need For Your House

10 Beautiful Plants That You Need For Your House from David Seff on Vimeo.

Some well-placed greenery in your home will not only help to brighten your space, but also purify the air. Plants are helpful in making a more relaxing, restful ambience in any room, and it’s known that spending time in nature is linked to reduced stress levels and tension relief. These plants will give your home a little bit of tranquility.

10 Plants That Thrive During The Winter

10 Plants That Thrive During The Winter from David Seff on Vimeo.


As the seasons come and go, we have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of new plants that thrive in different weather conditions. While winter conditions may not appear suitable for nature, there are actually a number of plants that thrive in the cold weather. If you are an avid gardener like me, then you should consider adding some of these plants to your garden to keep it looking attractive all winter long.